Hi everyone!
Another update double feature is out:
Return to Ravnica AND free Cube drafting!
Two days before long-expected Return
to Ravnica comes out, we got our hands on the card texts and images, so now you
can even use MTG Booster to practice before the pre-release events! Just in
case you open MTG Booster and can’t find the new edition: so far we only have
English texts and images, so if you want to play now, change your user card
settings to English or wait one or two days and Return to Ravnica will
automatically appear in your language when the translations are finished.
And in case you are not familiar
with cube drafting: It is played exactly like a normal booster draft, but it
has one major difference: Instead of opening regular booster packs (with 1
rare, 3 uncommons and a lot of commons), packs are being generated randomly
from a pool of the 720 strongest Magic cards ever printed (we are using the
latest Magic Online Cube list we could find, July '12). There is no restriction
on colors, rarity etc. and each card can appear only once in all opened
"packs". Cube only works on English, mainly because most cards are so
old that they don’t exist in all languages our app supports.
Another feature request that we
finally have included in MTG Booster is long-clicking on image thumbnails! If
you play MTG Booster in grid mode, longclick on an image and you will see it in
full screen. No more eye pain.
And that’s all. Ravnica AND Cube, we
hope you enjoy both. Please let us know if anything is not working as expected.
And don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
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